Preventative Solutions

Risk Assessments- Client operations are assessed using interviews of key operatives, review of manuals, IT based system audits and sampling of operational trails. Comprehensive findings are delivered to the client in written reports. The implications of vulnerabilities found, are discussed thoroughly with the client with actions and strategies mitigating associated risks provided. Tactical / stop gap measures for immediate intervention and permanent solutions are outlined and discussed comprehensively to ensure that risks are kept at a minimum during transitional phases. Incident Specific Interventions Forensic investigations are conducted internally for clients after incidents have occasioned. Law enforcement investigations do not provide sufficient detail on operational inefficiencies, staff involvement/ inertia and failing controls. The Partners therefore deal with the staff in the entity and documentary pieces of evidence to identify the failings requiring remediation and issue a report to the client. Reviews of this nature reduce the probability of preventable recurring incidents and eventually remedy vulnerabilities that would otherwise adversely impact the client.


Staff sensitisation is critical to the success of risk management effort. This is because the majority of incidents are orchestrated by staff, while those that are perpetrated by outsiders can not be successful without staff facilitation or inertia. The Partners provide in person and on-line training for all levels of staff at three levels – Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Sensitisation is also conducted for intending employees, wishing to differentiate themselves from other job applicants, existing employees at all levels and outsourced manpower. The recommended intervals of such training are – at onboarding (Introductory), during service (Intermediate), after an incident has occurred and for specialised roles such as IT personnel, Risk Management and compliance personnel (Advanced).

The content of the Introductory sessions is generic. The Intermediate and Advanced session training content is Industry specific deriving information from local cases. The training defines Fraud/white collar crime, its causes and effects. In the latter two levels case studies of actual local cases are used to “bring the risks home”. The training is also pitched to deliver the point that remaining silent in the event of knowledge of an impending fraud, being privy to early warning signs or any conduct inimical to operations, is not an option because of the likelihood of individual staff being implicated and also the violation of the law under the money laundering regulations and similar provisions.

IT Based Fraud Prevention and Detection Systems

The Partners have experience in the use of Rule Based, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Fraud Prevention and Detection systems required in Banking and Financial institutions. They have understandings with leading vendors of such equipment and can assist clients wishing to procure such systems in the selection of cost effective and efficient systems. Other services include training of staff, setting rules and parameters and the investigations of critical alerts.

Security Equipment Architectural Advice and Installation

The Partners have vast experience in the Banking Industry, Extractive industry, Security Services Industries, IT and Law-enforcement. Most Corporate entities procure and install security equipment for deterrence purposes. The equipment is under utilised for several reasons such as poor positioning of detection and monitoring units, over or under specification of equipment, inexperience of users particularly if reliance is placed on IT personnel without Fraud and Security Risk training. The partners also have experience in armouring standards for CIT vehicles, Vaults, Surveillance,automated perimeter security using microwave, seismic sensors, infra red etc and can provide and install integrated systems that address client needs and reduce costs of outsourced physical security guards

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