Nina Morgan and Partners is a leading firm specializing in outsourced fraud and security risk management, helping businesses mitigate threats and prevent financial losses. Our expertise spans forensic investigations, crime prevention and detection, and close personal protection. We provide innovative fraud and security management solutions designed to safeguard our clients’ operations from crime-related disruptions


Nina Morgan and Partners was incorporated under the Companies Act in 2011 to provide Crime Risk Advisory services. The Partners have over 50 years experience in various Industries with special mention of Commercial Banks, Financial Institutions Mines, Law Enforcement and the Military.

The Partners understand the adverse effects of White-collar crime in general and fraud in particular, which aside from financial losses include business disruption, loss of key operatives and reputation fall out leading to customer loss.

Its formation arose from a realisation that Fraud and Security risks were inadequately attended to locally. Reliance was placed on Audit and Operational Risk functions, which functions seldom had resources specialised in Fraud and Security Management. Resultantly Fraud intrusions and theft increased without learnings being shares across entities. In turn preventable, repeat incidents became rife, causing financial losses, reputation risks, undue legal risk and loss of critical staff.

Additionally, entities designed operations manuals for business-critical activity such cash handling, CIT, custody of valuables, stock management etc without the services of qualified fraud management resources. Coupled with staff on-boarding practices that were to not alive to Fraud and Security risks, crime steadily became and still remains the order of the day.

The Partnership aims at complementing entities that have procured the resource but may lack the experience, or to fill the gap as an outsourced resource for entities completely without Fraud and Security management resources in-house.


Preventative Solutions

Risk Assessments- Client operations are assessed using interviews of key operatives, review of manuals, IT based system audits and sampling of operational trails. Comprehensive findings are delivered to the client in written reports. The implications of vulnerabilities found, are discussed thoroughly with the client with actions and strategies mitigating associated risks provided. Tactical / stop gap measures for immediate intervention and permanent solutions are outlined and discussed comprehensively to ensure that risks are kept at a minimum during transitional phases. Incident Specific Interventions

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